It is recommended Kalimat tersebut bermakna Itu

recommended adalah   recommended adalah Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia , kata recommended ini memiliki arti rekomendasi ataupun saran yang menganjurkan (membenarkan

induk organisasi bulutangkis indonesia adalah Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia , kata recommended ini memiliki arti rekomendasi ataupun saran yang menganjurkan (membenarkan recommended adjective as in urged pare Synonyms Synonyms Antonyms Strongest matches Strong matches Discover More

hidup ini adalah kesempatan lirik Where does the adjective recommended come from? The earliest known use of the adjective recommended is in the Middle English period . 's Where does the adjective recommended come from? The earliest known use of the adjective recommended is in the Middle English period . 's

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