treat artinya treat artinya Treat = Sbg kt kerja artinya: memperlakukan, merawat, mentraktir Contoh: He treats me well. They were treated at the hospital after a car
treat like a queen artinya It was revealed that the politician was treated to dinner with a company executive. Can you treat me to this? Bisakah kamu traktir aku untuk ini? Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kata ngetreat dan treat: Sis, gimana caranya ngetreat pacar biar nyaman? We ѕhоuld
treat you better lirik Berikut adalah arti kata treat menurut Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. It was revealed that the politician was treated to dinner with a company executive. Can you treat me to this? Bisakah kamu traktir aku untuk ini?